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SEO Tips For Bloggers

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SEO Tips For Bloggers

Prempal Singh’s Best SEO Tips For Bloggers in 2023


Whether you’re a newbie or an expert blogger, everyone needs SEO tips from time to time. Since a search engine’s algorithm keeps changing, your SEO strategy should also change with that. However, it requires a lot of research, time, and effort to learn about SEO.

Thus, your friend and SEO expert Prempal Singh has done all the research on your behalf to give you the most helpful tips. Read this article further to get all the beneficial knowledge of SEO and grow your blog.

What is SEO?

When we talk about SEO tips for bloggers, before moving forward to give you all the tips and tricks to grow your website, let’s first clear your basics. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the practice to optimize your website in a way that it will rank higher in the search results. Content Optimization, incorporating relevant keywords, making the website mobile-friendly, etc. are some techniques to do so.

SEO is a vital and ever-growing marketing strategy to ensure your website reaches the target audience. Though it only includes organic search results and not PPC optimization, i.e., paid promotion.

Why do you need SEO?

You are passionate about a subject; you possess all the knowledge about it, and now you want to share it with others. So, you start a blog to transfer important information to others. But let me break the news to you. Blogs don’t attract visitors on their own.

You need to either create an SEO strategy by yourself or hire an SEO Expert to do that for you. An SEO strategy customized according to your specific requirements will help you grow your website. It’s a plan for you to attract the targeted audience, build a social media brand, increase revenue and grow your website.

Blogging is not as easy as it was a decade ago. You can’t just stuff keywords in your content and expect to rank higher. It is a competitive industry now, with numerous bloggers writing in your niche. But, no worries, I have made a list of the best SEO tips that will help you to achieve your goals.

You have started a blog to write your heart out and spread your knowledge. So, writing for SEO and attracting visitors doesn’t feel right to you. But remember that if you don’t SEO optimize your blog, you won’t be able to spread your word out there.

You need an SEO strategy, irrespective of whatever your goal is as a blogger. You want to generate a good passive income, build a social media brand, write your heart out or do something else. SEO is needed to achieve all your blogging goals. So, without further ado, let’s start with our SEO tips:

  1. Know your targeted audience:

Identify your targeted audience and create an SEO strategy to attract those people. Knowing your visitors well will help you in writing the most useful and relevant content for them. It will also help you in your keyword research and building backlinks.

  1. Keyword research:

Keywords are important because they let the search engine know what query your blog should rank for. Always make sure to use only relevant content instead of stuffing them. Stuffing keywords is an old practice and can damage your site instead of making you any gains but I recommend having keywords in a 1% ratio of total content.

  1. Mobile-friendly website:

Most users like to open websites on their smartphones compared to their desktop designs. It is more convenient for the users, and Google also favors mobile-friendly websites more. So, remember to give your users the same kind of services across different devices.

  1. Well-structured post:

Craft a well-structured post with a lucrative title, heading, paragraphs, subheadings, desirable font, and size. The attention span of a user is less than 2 seconds, so avoid writing long paragraphs and difficult words. Good readability increase ranking score and I recommend adding the main focused keyword in H1.

  1. Write an attractive title:

    The title is the first thing your audience will read and thus, it must be attractive. Incorporate your focus keyword in your title, and do not write a clickbait title. Be authentic and try to give information in fewer words. Use the latest, essential, updated, guide, tutorial, 2023, etc. words in the title.


  2. Content is king:

Gone are those days when bloggers could just rewrite or rephrase old content to rank higher. Now, you need to craft unique, high-quality, and useful content to make sure search engines and your users like your content equally.

  1. Internal links:

If we are talking about SEO tips for bloggers and you are a blogger then make it a habit to insert suitable internal links on your web pages. Internal links will take your audience from one blog post to the other. This will increase your readership and your audience will be more attracted to your website because they are getting quality content, and If you are adding external links in the blog make sure they are no-follow.

  1. Build a relationship:

Build an authentic relationship with your audience through comments, social media, or any other way. Creating a personalized relationship will help you get genuine feedback, more topics to write on, etc. When your readers are happy, they will suggest your blog to their friends as well.

  1. Include a desirable CTA:

Don’t be shy to ask your audience to take the action that you want them to take. Include a call-to-action option that does not feel forced, but rather feels natural in your overall content. Get creative and experiment with different types of options like buttons, hyperlinks, etc.

  1. Add Alt Text to all Images:

Don’t miss adding an alt tag for all images used in the blog content. Alt text helps images to appear in search engines.


This article titled “SEO Tips For Bloggers” is a friendly guide to achieving your goals as a blogger. As an SEO expert, I can say for sure that you will see immense results using these tips.

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