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Medical SEO Tips: How to Improve Ranking of a Healthcare Website

Healthcare SEO - Medical SEO Tips

Medical SEO is a term used to describe search engine optimization (SEO) services provided to healthcare businesses, such as medical practices and clinics. Times when everything is online, most of the population uses the internet to search for basic things. Whether it’s about buying daily essentials or searching for doctors, the internet is a great source of information for the majority of people. Consumers have become more educated and intelligent rather than relying on people, they search on the internet about the product or services.

If an individual has to take dental services or services by dermatologists, they will search over the internet about doctors and services offered by them. So, if you are not there when they are searching for you, you will lose your potential customers. Today consumers rely on Google to select what’s the best option for them, that’s why it’s important for doctors or all service providers to have a strong online presence and reach more customers by ranking on top of search results. However, top ranking in Google search results can be tricky and complicated. That’s why you need effective SEO tips that will help your healthcare website SEO to attract new customers. 

Do you want to know more about Medical website SEO? Let’s find out-

Here are some Medical SEO Tips:


Medical website design:

First things first, to improve SEO rankings and attract new customers, beat competitors, is website design. Your services page and main contact page should contain an accurate NAP- Name, Address, and phone number. These contact details should be uniform on all your social media platforms and digital presence like website, google business listing google maps, etc. Uniformity in information will help you integrate these platforms and use SEO and marketing more effectively. Web design should be easy and visually appealing with factors like image and text alignment, color combination, and more. 

Page loading speed:

Website Page loading speed is a crucial factor to consider for Medical SEO, if your website has low page speed, or it takes 3 or 4 seconds extra to load, your visitor will get frustrated and most likely switch to another website. Generally, your website should be able to take less than 3s otherwise the bounce rate will increase by 12%. Moreover, after loading, website elements like images and text should be able to align quickly. These factors are important for high user experience and user experience plays an important role in Google search rankings and your brand reputation. 

Mobile optimization:

The majority of the population uses mobile phones to search for products or services, if your website is suitable for desktop, not mobile devices, you will lose customers and reduce the chances of your higher rankings. Make sure your website is optimized for mobile, laptops, tablets, or any other device for a better user experience. Mobile optimization will help you contribute to SEO rankings, but also impact user experience. However, mobile optimization doesn’t mean you will not focus on desktop sites, optimization should be done for all devices to cater to a wider audience. 

Local optimization:

For healthcare websites, Local SEO optimization is more crucial than national SEO. When a customer or patient searches for doctors or hospitals, they are most likely to look for services near their community or an approachable distance unless its some special case which means if a web user searches for medical services online, they are most likely to visit your clinic or hospital the same day or in the coming days. According to a Google survey, 1 out 4 local searchers visit brick-and-mortar businesses the same day of the search. Therefore, optimize your platform with local SEO keywords, Google business listing, Google maps, and other local SEO factors. 

Balance your target keywords:

Often website owners or experts when considering medical website SEO target high traffic and high competitive keywords only which makes it difficult for new websites to make a way in the competition for better rankings. If they do not use high competition, then they stick to low-traffic websites which results in less traffic. You need to create a balance between high traffic, highly competitive, and low competitive keywords for organic and optimized traffic on the platform. Use a combination of local keywords, national keywords, high traffic, and low competitive keywords for better results. 

High-quality backlinks:

Backlinking is another important part of SEO, linking is considered one of the three topmost SEO ranking factors by Google. Therefore, pay special attention to the backlinks you are using, these links not only drive traffic but are also used by search engine crawlers to crawl websites. A low-quality website linked to your website will make a negative impact on crawlers as they consider low-quality websites as a bad user experience. Moreover, if you use a majority of links of low quality or only use low-quality websites, you might face consequences. Therefore, focus on high-quality link building with more authoritative and credible websites for effective healthcare website SEO. Both internal and external links should be used effectively for hospital website SEO to achieve higher rankings. 

Optimize voice search:

Many local searchers are based on voice search; often patients use voice search to look for doctors or hospitals rather than typing. Therefore, you need to focus on offering voice search to your visitors for more convenience and targeting patients looking for your services through voice search. For effective voice search optimization, use voice search keywords, make content relevant for Alexa and google home, search intent, mobile-friendly content, etc. Both web search and voice search customers are different, their search intent and reason to use voice or web search are different, you can cater to both with voice search and web search optimization. 

Final thoughts:

Keeping your website up-to-date is not an option but has become a priority for all to ensure you attract customers and retain your existing ones. For effective Healthcare website SEO, these SEO tips can help you achieve higher rankings and your business goals to drive more growth and success. All these factors play a role in developing a successful website, so use a combination of these tips and make your Medical SEO successful. Hire Prempal Singh if you are also looking for a medical website SEO expert.

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