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How to increase Instagram followers organically?

How to increase Instagram followers organically

Everyone wants to know the tricks and best strategies to grow Instagram followers organically. Right..?? We were also very curated to know the best tricks and researched on it to share our experience and analytics which we have done to make for the Instagram users and the brands who want to know “how to increase Instagram Followers organically?”

 In our market research on Instagram, we have gone through many difficulties and sometimes found that there are a few strong facts and tricks which can help you to grow your Instagram followers.

 Let’s have a look at the Instagram strategy and techniques of working on Instagram which will help you to grow your followers and engagement as well.

Best Tips to get 50K+ Instagram Followers 

  1. Choose quality photos to post & use an actual Camera, Filters are your friend but tread lightly
  2. Add locations in your post
  3. Connect with people of your business niche, Interact with followers and provide information in every post.
  4. Write unique captions & content to post, Posting something is not always better than posting nothing.
  5. Analyze the best engagement time to post
  6. Use relevant & trending Hashtags
  7. Like and comment on accounts similar to your own
  8. Promote your Instagram on your other social media channels.
  9. Cross-Promote on Instagram, Get yourself featured on big accounts
  10. Go Live with Famous Instagrammers, Use collabs and influencer marketing
  11. Create your own unique Insta feed style for brand exposure
  12. Pay Attention to what works and what doesn’t work
  13. Quality content, relevant to your niche will have your followers tagging their friends more often than any giveaway
  14. Post-Controversial Randomly

 Some points are here in brief – 

Add potential in Bio:

On Instagram, you will get the limited word space to describe you. So to tell your profile visitors about you by adding the potential bio in your profile. It will help you to notify the visitors who you are and raise visitors’ interest in personal branding Instagram accounts. 

 Now if you are a business then you must have to add:

  • Your business logo will be your identity.
  • Your business URL for the visitor who wants to explore your business. 
  • Describe the bio section by adding some information about your business.


You can also add the headshot of your key product instead of the logo if you want, which will also give you good exposure, and people will visit your profile and follow you to know more about your products.   

Consistent Posting Schedule:

To make your Instagram profile more engageable you have to plan a consistent posting schedule. As there is no algorithm and rule on Instagram for posting frequency but if you keep your business or personal profile active by posting new things on a daily basis or consistent basis then Instagram users will love to click on the follow button to see your posts. 

 Adding consistency in a post on Instagram will stick with the users and make them useful to see your post on a regular basis which keeps you connected with your followers and you will also gain the number of followers on your Instagram account. 

Use Trending Relevant Hashtag:

If you follow the Instagram trends then users will follow you. The best thing which you can do is research the trends and hashtags which most people are using and also make sure they must be relevant to you. Make a list of the Hashtags and then make the posts as per the trends which attract more visitors to visit your Instagram profile and if they will love to see you again, they will follow you.

 Hashtags play a vital role to grow your reach and you will become more famous on Instagram if people will share your posts and love your ideas which you share on your account. Make sure that you keep changing your hashtag usage as per the trends because the same hashtags will never work for you longer. 

Share Videos:

As we know video marketing takes the place on the top list of the promotional or marketing strategy online, it works for Instagram also. Sharing videos on your account will tell people more about you than who you are and what you do.  

If you are a company then sharing the videos of your company culture will help you to increase/grow Instagram Followers organically. You can also make good videos of your products and service usage which adds value for your business. On Instagram you can reflect either your small business ideas or your big brand showcasing you can do, it all goes in the favor of your business if you do it right by following the best marketing trends with unique ideas. 

Influencer Marketing:

Influencers go hard to promote things and as they have a strong base of followers, they will love to hear from them about you. You can influence your business niche to give a review of your service and product because it will help you to gain leads.

If they post a relevant post of your business on their own account their followers will like that post & share it on their profiles also. It will give you good exposure on Instagram and you will get followers. A mention by a famous influencer will impact powerfully for your business or personal profile and you will gain followers fast. 

Use Instagram Stories:

Instagram stories grab the attention of your followers and new visitors to engage with you. You can see behind the scenes, your company culture, events, and upcoming offers on the stories. It will appear on all the follower’s profiles and keeping it casual will help you to find it more entertaining for the viewers.  


Keeping consistency in posting the stories also will help you to grab the attention of the new followers and the number of your profile followers will reach the point where you will be reflected as a brand. Your Instagram stories will say the story of your business or yours so make sure to keep it amazing for your visitors.  

Here we go with some amazing and must-follow Instagram marketing strategies to increase/grow Instagram Followers organically. The benefits you will get by growing the followers in Instagram are – people will know you as a brand, you will be able to connect with the people who can help you to grow your business, you will know by our business name which is a big thing for every business. 

So, choose your goal on Instagram to follow your dream of becoming a well-known identity and to grab the attention of more & more visitors now.

Contact Best SEO Expert in India Prempal Singh to get more help. Follow me on Instagram at @Prem.Speaks or at @seospeaks

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