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How to do SEO for a new website

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How to do SEO for a new website

How to do SEO for a new website in 2022

Are you hovering your finger to launch your website online to provide the customer with better services and products from your side? Then, before pushing the red big button of launch, let’s talk about the most important part of your online business success strategy which is Search Engine Optimization of your online store or business website. 


And if you have a thought in your mind about when to start your website SEO then, the answer is, when you are launching your website and want to go online with your amazing ideas to serve the world. 


Now in 2022, if you have clear about your business ideas and SEO use, then let us share the must-have SEO activities which you have to perform when you have a new website. How to do SEO for a new website in 2022:


On-Page Website Optimization:

Start with on-page website optimization, check each factor of on-page includes the user experience, meta title, meta description, website loading speed, keyword density, content quality, website’s security, website structure, alt text, bolded text and there are more factors which you have to check to improve website’s technical SEO. 


You have to also check the navigation of the website so that it is easy for the users to change or go to any page or it’s hard to find the way. For that purpose, you can add breadcrumbs to guide the visitors. The internal linking of pages with each other also grabs the attention of the users and they stay longer on your website to get more information if they get enough information about what they want they will become the leads for you. So you have to choose the internal links wisely and to get the customers engaged. 


Accessibility, crawl, and UX:

Check your website accessibility for the crawlers and find out which pages do not look good for the crawlers. Check your website’s content and keyword usage to make sure that when the crawler visits your website they will be able to get enough information for the users and also can access each page of your website as well. 


The factors which you need to check are:


  • Is the page load speed correct on all the browsers?
  • Is the website responsive to open current on all sizes of devices?
  • Is the User experience -UX of the website strong enough to stay users longer?
  • Are the crawlers finding your web page perfect to rank on the number 1 page?
  • Does your website have a sitemap.xml file including all web pages? 
  • Does your website have a robot.txt file to allow the crawlers?


And you will have to check more UX factors to enhance the user’s good experience with your website to give the position on the #1 page of Google and other search engines. 


Keywords Research:

You have to know how you can target your audience to get the right reach from online marketing. And for that purpose, you have to know which keywords are the most trending on search engines targeting your business niche. You have to find the keywords which are in trend and also you will have to find keywords on which your competitors are ranking.


Make a list of keywords with 1 primary keyword & 2-3 secondary keywords on each page on your website and then start working on that keywords. Keep the 2-3% primary keywords density on your webpage, optimize the content accordingly and then shoot your SEO off-page plans to get the good reach, engagement, traffic and leads from the website. 


Setup Google Webmaster and Google Analytics account:

To check the website’s online performance and to keep the website crawlable, you need to set up the accounts on Google webmaster and analytics as well. You can track your website by inserting a tracking code on the head section of your website which is provided by Google analytics when you set up your account on it. 


On Google Webmaster, you can check the indexing of your website and can submit the sitemap manually to ensure that your website is indexing well and Google finds your website good enough to rank on the #1 page. The tracking on the search console. Google webmaster and Google Analytics, you will find the flaws on your website that you can improve to get the right path to grow online. 


Use Schema, Rich Snippet, and Open Graph:

You can use the structured data code to make the website’s visibility on search engines more attractive. The schema code has many options and extensions codes which you can use to make your website preview perfect for the user’s good experience. And perfect visibility on search engines grabs the attention of more users and they will visit you more.  


The open graph is used to make your website perfect on social media and you will find it very useful when you use the code of the open graph on your website. Use the extensions and rich snippet options to fit your website in a perfect structured data code. 


Build the link Outreach plans:

After completing the on-page and website optimization, you can launch your website online but to grow your reach and to make the stick position on the #1 page of search engines, you have to plan the perfect outreach link plans. You have to analyze your competitor’s work strategy on off-page activities and also have to check that from where you can get a link for your website which gives your domain good value online. 


You have to connect with the guest posting accepting website to post your business information with links to your business. You have perfect Off-Page activity such as business listing, forum submission, profile creation, web 2.0 blogs, article submissions, and more to get good engagement from the users. 


These are the initial steps to start the SEO of a new website and if you follow the steps carefully, you will get the results fast and be able to generate hot leads online for your business. Also using your SEO strategy you can be a brand from a small business if your product and service potential meets the audience’s interests and needs. 

Contact Best SEO Expert in India Prempal Singh If you need more help, Call Me at +91 7014165678 or Email Now:

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