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What is Content Marketing and how does it work?

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Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing?


Content marketing is the creation and dissemination of relevant, valuable content to existing and future consumers, such as videos, emails, social media postings, white papers, newsletters, blogs, and the like. When done correctly, this content conveys knowledge and demonstrates that a firm cares about the individuals it sells to.

Consistent usage of content marketing creates and fosters relationships with new and existing consumers. When your audience perceives your company as a partner invested in their success and a valued source of information and direction, they are more likely to pick you when the time comes to buy.


What is the significance of this?


Content marketing is a tried-and-true marketing strategy. It also gives you a competitive advantage. Take a look at what the statistics show about content marketing:


  • Content marketing promotes engagement and leads, according to 72% of B2B marketers.
  • Companies that employ content marketing grow at a pace of around 30% faster than those that do not.
  • Before speaking with a sales professional, 47% of customers look at 3 to 5 pieces of content.
  • Businesses that have blogs get 67 percent more leads than those that don’t.


What is the process of content marketing?


Content marketing may help your company generate leads, build a case for your service or product when somebody is deciding what to buy, and complete sales.

You’ll need to supply the correct content at each point of the sales cycle, from awareness to contemplation to the acquisition, to make it work. Don’t fret if this sounds complex: addressing the content in this manner streamlines the procedure.

Here’s how organizations utilize content marketing to engage and sell at every stage of the sales cycle.


Stage 1: Awareness


Your content must concentrate on your audience’s main issues throughout the initial stage of the sales process. You have the greatest shot of interacting with them if you write about their problems, concerns, and questions. At the awareness stage, the content ought to be educational and how-to guidance. Leave the selling until the stages of consideration and closure.

Newsletters, videos, e-books, blog entries, and articles are the best content for this stage.


Stage 2: Consideration


Content should include a mix of useful information and marketing during the deliberation stage. It should inform the reader on what to look for in terms of features and functionality, as well as how different features answer their demands. Naturally, your content must be tailored to your company’s services.

Worksheets/checklists, how-to-videos, how-to-articles, and case studies are all good choices at this level.


Stage 3: Closing


When a prospect is on the brink of buying a product, content marketing becomes critical. You may concentrate on sales at this point as long as you keep emphasizing why you’re the greatest option rather than just how good your product or services are.

Your experience, knowledge and the unique benefits of what you sell ought to be the focus of your messaging.

The research report, product video, buyer’s guide, user-generated content, and case studies are all good choices for this stage.


How to begin with Content Marketing?


It’s easy to get overwhelmed with content marketing, but it doesn’t have to be. A good content marketing strategy should be manageable and long-lasting. To begin, follow these steps:


  • Determine who your target audience is. You must have a thorough understanding of a reader’s preferences, issues, and priorities to generate content for them. Choose one or two portions to write for if you have extensive descriptions of them. Alternatively, build audience and prospect profiles before getting started.


  • Choose the appropriate formats. The appropriate format is determined by the stage of the sales cycle for which you are providing the content. Another crucial factor to consider is which formats will best assist you to demonstrate value. For some, it will be a video, while for others, it will be a checklist.


  • Hire a writer, editor, and proofreader for your content. The quality of your content will be judged by your audience, as it should be. Determine the best resource for this project, whether internal or external. Hire a professional proofreader to check through everything before it leaves the office, regardless of who created it.


  • Make a plan for how you’ll distribute. Will you publish content on your website, send it through email, or have it printed for an event? Begin with “where” you know your audience is expected to be, and then select forms that make sense. An article, for instance, may be sent by email, a checklist or worksheet can be shared on social media, and a buyer’s guide can be used as a follow-up to a pitch.


  • Make a timetable that you can stick to. It’s all too simple to create an overly ambitious content marketing strategy. Develop a short-term (3-6 months) strategy for a realistic quantity of content items you can develop, based on your budget and resources, after you know your target readers and formats. Keep note of how long each piece of content takes you to develop so you can factor it into your timetable.


  • Adhere to excellent practices. Compelling content is written and free of jargon that only you and your peers will understand. It should also give instructions on how to do things. The finest content is succinct, relevant, and actionable.


What role does SEO play?


Content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are essentially the same things.

You need high-quality organic content to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs). You’ll need SEO to figure out which keywords to target in your content.

In that it is frequently the core of all plans and initiatives, SEO is a basic component of content marketing. By optimizing your content, you can maintain your web pages aligned with Google’s sitemap preferences, refresh your brand messaging for a current audience, and outrank rivals for high-value keywords.

SEO is typically the greatest place to start when it comes to achieving your content marketing objectives.


Put your content to work for you


Create content that will attract, engage, and sell by showcasing your expertise and unique value. You can reach the appropriate individuals and create brand loyalty with some careful planning and methodical content marketing. Contact our knowledge bank for more digital marketing tips.

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