What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is an effective digital marketing mechanism that is implemented to attain high SERPs rank and number of audience traffic through organic search engine results. The strategy of SEO focuses on increasing passive traffic to your website. An SEO-optimized website ranks high in the search engine results and high ranking visibility cites your website content as the best result for the topic in the hand. 


People use search engines to find the most relevant and most approved result for their topic of interest, and SEO helps your website to get the leading ranking in the related results. Users mostly prefer the high-ranked results, especially appearing on the first page. To attain a rank on the first page of SERPs results, the content of your website must be thoroughly optimized with the most explored keywords. SEO mechanism applies the simple scheme of keyword-optimization which results in your website generating Google’s search spiders to crawl to your website and fetch your website as one of the most pertinent results.


The high SERPs rank further drives more traffic to your website and enhanced traffic is the key factor that generates more customer conversion rate. SEO is vital for a business website not only to gain more customers but also to spread its online discernibility on the digital marketplace. Acquiring a higher position in the organic search result assures a reliable prospect in the users and convinces them to visit your website. With proper Search Engine Optimization and keywords endowment, your website is equipped with the maximum potentiality to rank high in any search engine’s results organically. 


At SEO Expert India, Prempal Singh and the team are the certified Search Engine Optimization experts who are well familiarized with the latest SEO tactics, advanced keyword research, backlinking, and SEO-Content production to make business websites attain an elevated position in the SERPs rank and become one of the most relevant and appropriate results for the searched topic. Our service is exclusively designed to uplift the digital status of aspiring businesses and drive effective customer conversion rates to expand the earnings trail.


What Are The Types of SEO?

The primary focus of implementing SEO mechanisms is to make the websites readily available in the relevant search engine results and to enhance users’ convenience. As you have understood what is SEO, let us introduce you to seven elemental types of SEO


Technical SEO

As the very name suggests, Technical SEO signifies technical parameters that affect the discernibility of web pages in search engines. The chief purpose of technical SEO is to activate search engine crawlers to crawl and classify a website in the list of the relevant search results without any involuntary obstacles. The vital technical SEO guidelines include- 

  • Reviewing and Optimizing a website’s robots.txt to make the website accessible to the search engines
  • Strengthening and validating the website with Google Search Console and designating a chosen domain.
  • Employing the COVERAGE statement to detect and retaliate against crawl glitches.
  • Building an XML Sitemap and tendering to all significant search engines.
  • Optimizing the construction of a website as well as its URL structure.
  • Developing SEO Friendly web layout
  • Designing websites with fast loading speed on both mobile and desktop devices.


On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO optimizes the web pages themselves to make them more welcoming to search engines and web users. The ranking of the website basically is performed on a page-level footing and this is why web page optimization is a very imperative factor that determines your website’s ranking. The most influential on-page SEO tactics are-

  • Optimizing the page titles (surfaced in the SERPs) to provide the search engine bots with sufficient traces about the page content and make it compelling for users to click and visit the page. 
  • Optimizing the H1 Tag (top heading of a page) and subheadings (H2, H3) in the long-form content to make the page more accessible to viewers and scan by crawlers.
  • To signify the content of a webpage more effectively, on-page SEO additionally optimizes the content images by the file caption, file size, and ALT text.
  • Beautifying the webpage content and structure through page formatting also manages the ads and popups that may affect the ranking process. 


Content SEO

Content SEO ascertains the quality of content and content improvement. It mainly focuses on content creation and distributing valuable SEO-friendly content that viewers like to read and search engines can easily recognize. To execute a productive Content SEO technique, SEO Experts India follows some of these innovative methods-

  • Research inherent keywords that are important and relevant to your website and include them in each webpage content.
  • Advanced analysis of long-tail keywords and semantically related (or LSI) keywords and attach them to the headings, titles, and main content.
  • Publishing content that is accurate and informative that gratifies the viewers and offers sufficient data and clues to search engines to grasp the main context.
  • Using schemas and structured data to pinpoint important parts of the website content to search engines.


Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is one of the most important types of SEO that deals with various perspectives on website promotion. Off-page SEO implements practical techniques to advertise your website on the Internet since popular websites tend to rank higher on SERPs. The most relevant off-page SEO schemes are-

  • Arranging SEO backlinks from different websites through Link Building.
  • Heightening the authorization and credibility of the target website by backlinking. 
  • Brand Promotion by enhancing google rank and promoting discussions about your brand in multiple social media channels and forums. Google tends to acknowledge these signals and offer premium compensation to those websites that users talk about.


Local SEO

Local SEO exclusively serves local businesses. To put it differently, local Search Engine Optimization aims to attract clients through the website and convince them to visit your local store. Basically, Local SEO concerns with-

  • Appending the Local Business schema on your homepage
  • Filling all pages of your website with your business title, location, contact details, and other essential information that interests the viewers. 
  • Creating a Google My Business Account
  • Enrolling the business with other trusted indexes such as Yahoo small business, Yelp, Foursquare, and others.
  • Advertising the website on local registers, websites, and local media.


Mobile SEO

The study says that more than 60% of google search is conducted on mobile and such a fact has interested Google to create a mobile-first index to list down mobile-friendly websites instead of the desktop version. Mobile SEO is a subset mechanism precisely for mobile devices. The mobile SEO assures-

  • The better conversion rate of your website by making it mobile-friendly.
  • Fast loading of webpages on the mobile device. 
  • Practical navigation and accessible web page interface that is easy to operate. 
  • Smooth exploring of the website by excluding disturbances often caused by pushing advertising or pop-ups and interstitial banners.


eCommerce SEO

Optimizing an eCommerce website is full of extra complexity in comparison to a blog or corporate website. eCommerce SEO is ingested to conquer the difficulties while promoting an eCommerce website. The most significant eCommerce SEO factors are-

  • Optimizing the optical details of your online store (images, videos)
  • Optimizing the homepage and category pages of an online shopping website.
  • Promoting the online store on social media platforms
  • Adding the specific schemas (product, offers, etc.)
  • Optimizing the product pages that are affected by keyword research.
  • Creative brainstorming to acquire more traffic on product pages.
  • Publish Blog contents that describe beneficial aspects of each product and service to allure customers. 


How To Do SEO: White Hat SEO Strategies

How to do SEO? Well, ar SEO Experts India, our SEO specialist prefer the right use of White Hat SEO Strategies. It is the most right and honest way of achieving solid indexing results without breaking the rule. This particular term of white hat SEO actually suggests legitimate search engine optimization tactics that abide by the terms and conditions of the important search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.


Unlike Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO prefers systemic practice to improve your website’s SERPs ranking while maintaining the guidelines of search engines’ terms of service. These clean strategies are limited within the bounds as determined by Google. White hat SEO focuses on-

  • Offering premium services and high-quality content 
  • Better Conversation rate, Fast Loading, and mobile-friendliness
  • Creating vivid, keyword-rich meta tags
  • Designing functional navigation and enhancing the UX


Prempal Singh practices only white hat SEO strategies that avoid using deceitful cloaking techniques that are remarkably dangerous and quickly detected by advanced Google algorithms. Black hat SEO is a counterpart technique of White Hat SEO and its failure can get your website outlawed from Google and other search engines. 


There are billions of Google users and Google is obviously a robust source of the traffic to your website. Prempal Singh and the team strictly avoid illegitimate SEO tactics as we understand getting banned from the SERPs result yields a severe drop in website traffic and even harms the reliability of the business. Our various types of SEO strategies are legally approved and we consider safe digital marketing policies. Our standard search engine optimization service includes only Google-approved SEO techniques at Google Search Console Guidelines. The principal concerns of our service are-


  • Prioritize Quality Content

The quality standard of your website content is the vital factor that influences the search engine rankings. The Google bots genuinely appreciate quality content and search engines estimate your website content on the scale of various signals that are Topic, Links (and their anchors), Length, Age, and most importantly Keyword distribution. Website content should be properly informative, relevant, and well-sourced.  


At SEO Experts India, Prempal Singh and The team delicately produce a piece of content by filling insufficient information and organizing a readable structure. We focus on creating interesting and authentic content to execute effective linking. Quality content acts as a developing engine of a webpage(s)or an entire website.


  • Satisfy The User Intent

Google’s search engine delivers the most relevant results of websites that properly match the user intent. Every aspect of your website, from the content to the site design and images should suffice the purpose of the users’ visiting your site. 


SEO Experts India conducts effective white hat SEO techniques and website developments to satisfy the user intent. We also practice TF*IDF tools to determine the potential topics to be covered in each niche and to investigate the user’s expectations.


  • Impelling The Mobile Conversation

In recent years, people most like to use portable devices, and more than 60% use of search engines is conducted on Mobiles. Google greatly empathizes on a mobile-friendly website design that can be easily browsed on portable devices. 


Prempal Singh and The team focus on mobile quality first and make your website mobile-user-friendly. A better conversion standard also determines your website SERPs ranking as Google bot tends to show the mobile-friendly website in the higher ranks in the index result. 


  • Claiming Local Business Listing (GMB)

Google Algorithm strives to match users’ intent by delivering locally relevant SERPs. For instance, if one is looking for eateries or some outside fun, Google will not show results that are thousands of miles away. Google rationally organizes results on near me explorations. 


Prioritizing local searchers is a significant opportunity to become the biggest fish in the local market. At SEO Experts India, we also offer pragmatic Local SEO solutions. With the expertise in GMB tools and Map Pack, we make your website optimized for Local SEO where SERPs will be shown as per the physical neighborhood of all relevant businesses.


  • Prioritizing User Experience (UX)

Slow loading, broken links, complicated navigation, and poor graphic design ruins the user experience and make the viewers leave the website and opt for the competitor’s website. To retain the viewers for a long time on your website, you have to make sure that your website is offering an Elite user experience. 


Prempal Singh and The Team of web developers and SEO experts make sure that your website is featured with convenient usability and yields a user-friendly interface with proper link structure, functional navigation, the fast loading speed of webpages, and striking graphical representations. Nothing can be more engaging and compelling than a highly functional and smartly organized website. Google bots tend to index websites with high UX in the higher ranking. 


  • Excellent Keyword Research

Keywords are the main mechanisms for controlling spring algorithms. Google’s search engine responds to keywords through complete leads of signals around specific terms. Google also checks if the keywords are used properly, authentically, and according to user intent. A website filled with relevant keywords actually heightens the high ranking potentiality for a website. 


The SEO expert Prempal Singh is well-versed with various types of SEO keyword research and their proper employment to distribute your website’s content to a maximum number of audiences. Our SEO team is well equipped with the know-how of effective keyword analysis and research tools like SEMRush, TF*IDF, Ahrefs, etc. 


  • Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the important ranking factors. This strategy actually allows you to cede power, publicity, and prolonged lifespan to your quality content. As a white hat SEO technique, it includes the system of business promotion through content distribution among prospects or customers. 


SEO Experts India offers strategic content marketing services and our expertise includes finding the proper audience, quality content creation, keyword research and analysis, onsite optimization, and guest blogging on prestigious sites to attain useful backlinks. Our Content marketing service also ensures the promotion of your website and business through social media advertisements, page linking, and mail notifications. We help business owners to build public relations and retain customers for a longer period. 


  • Utilization of Schema Markup

Google’s persuasive algorithm relies on multiple factors and it often can struggle to learn the context of specific information. Schema markup is a reasonable method of structuring the data on the websites to Google’s search engine access supplementary clues regarding the characteristic of the information that usually exceeds plain meta tags and title tags.


Our SEO experts aptly use schema meta properties to make Google identify which social media profile is linked with a business. Since Google has increased the application of rich snippets, Schema has become a very imperative tool to produce structured data to yield strong results in specific categories.


  • Quality Link Building

Link building is a delicate method of white hat SEO tactics. Links are extremely significant and our SEO service offers premium service of link-building strategy to create quality links that are appropriate to your website. We create permanent links that are powered by diverse anchor texts. 


Our three exclusive SEO packages- Basic Plan, Premium Plan, and Advanced Plan offer quality link-building assurance to make your website highly functional on the internet and thoroughly SEO-optimized.


Contact Prempal Singh and enjoy unprecedented SEO solutions to rank high in the competitive digital market.